Why smart people do stupid things//

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There are a lot of smart people “serving” as elected officials in our government, yet most of the decisions made by them are wrong.  This leads me to wonder, are they really not smart? I doubt that is the case.  If you take as a given that these people are smart then it follows that the decisions they make cannot be stupid. So when it appears that they are, what is the reason for it?

I submit that they appear to us to be stupid because we do not understand the true goals they are trying to achieve. When you understand the true goals, then you see that the decisions being made are very smart. We think they are trying to improve the country while what they are really trying to do is serve their own personal interests. When you realize that serving their own personal interests are the actual goals, then you see that they are very effective at achieving them. They aren’t stupid at all, just very deceitful.

They have become very effective at crafting policies that look one way, in order to play to our sympathies, while the actual result achieves the opposite of our desires but directly in line with theirs. Continue reading

We aren’t managing our business, or our politicians//

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As we mentioned on our “About the Bloggers” page, we frequently sit around and discuss politics, and today was no different, as El Commodore and I found ourselves, along with my Mom and husband, hanging out on the back patio in this gorgeous end-of-summer weather, as the carpet was drying from cleaning. (When he gets back from the movies, I’ll find out exactly where he got it:) El commodore brought up in discussion the info below and let me say, why was I not surprised? Because we want what we post on here to be factual and we pride ourselves on not just blowing around in the wind, with the rest of the “sheeple” as El Commodore calls them, I went searching to validate the info below that is circulating around.

However, on a general note, when you get snake-y people in office, you get snake-y laws benefitting only themselves (this is not news), while as per usual, spending our money. As we’ve mentioned before on this blog, politicians work for us, they are paid with our money (taxes) and they need to remember that – but I’ll rephrase today, “we need to remind them, all the time it seems.” I follow Francis Marion Nation on facebook (and you should too). Those guys are brilliant! I agree with pretty much everything they say and as they are posting up the stupid socialist things that our government is doing, they ususally close their posts by saying that we have allowed it, or we weren’t paying attention, or we need to pay attention and do something about it – and they are correct! While yes, we the american people are the “boss” of every politician that works for us, I hate to say it but we are kind of like the boss that never goes into the office, or store, to see what the employees are up to, Continue reading

What is a Demagogue?//

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 I was doing a little research for an article and happened to look at the definition for the word Demagogue.  I had always assumed it was just a person that did things a certain way or held certain beliefs, but after reading its true meaning, I find it is actually a pretty negative characteristic. Webster defines Demagogue as “a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power” and “A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.” 

 I don’t like to call names, but words and titles are descriptive. This one appears to apply to Obama in that he tries to steer clear of rational argument and rely more on appealing to prejudices. Continue reading

Should you vote based on religion?//

Image via lds.org – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Since I’m writing this on the Sabbath and since religion seems to be playing a bigger part in this election than is normally the case, I thought I would make a few comments about religion and politics.  I read an article this morning about how some black clergy are in a quandary over how to direct their parishioners to vote.  They cannot support Obama because of his stance on gay marriage and they cannot support Romney because of a Mormon doctrinal issue, since rescinded, that black men could not hold the priesthood.  All I can say about this is that it is no longer the doctrine of the Mormon Church and has not been for over 3 decades.  If you question the possibility that the Mormon Church is free of racism then I suggest you ask any black member.  (Mia Love might be a good place to start).

Considering whether religion should be a factor in your vote, I say that Character and Integrity should be a factor, but not religion.  How well a candidate adheres to his religious beliefs should be a factor but not the religion itself.  This is an indication of character.  As a Mormon, I have voted for lots of candidates that did not share my religious belief. Continue reading

Our Constitution Rocks . . . and our kids should know that//


As parents it is our job to educate our children – not the government’s, not the school’s, not society’s – it’s OURS!  A woman told my husband the other day that she didn’t like to punish her kids for bad behavior at school because the school already did. So if they took care of it, then she felt she didn’t need to. Oh wow! This is the same passive, socialist attitude that so many parents have about happily and willingly shirking their responsibility for teaching and properly rearing their children (and I can certainly add disciplining and teaching them manners, and what some might deem as proper values, as well). I am proud to say that I am not one of those parents, and I learned from the best, my parents. We were lovingly reared and taught by them.

So when I saw this book on The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News the other day, I went to the internet and looked it up. I think this girl is brilliant! Continue reading

Obama’s Bankrupt Foreign Policy//

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I have had enough, I can’t take any more of this blatant incompetence from our chief executive.  So, from now on you are going to hear from me quite often on this blog.

Our Embassy in Cairo was breached and our flag desecrated by heathens and our consulate in Libya was destroyed and our ambassador murdered along with 3 other US citizens. Clearly the video was merely an excuse to hit us on the anniversary of 9/11.  Before now very few had ever heard of this video. Now millions know about it and are going to view their prophet in a bad light. These are acts of war and require a greater response than the milk toast appeasement from our President.

A true leader would have anticipated some sort of problems on 9/11 and would have taken precautions to protect our interests; especially our embassies in the middle east, which are our most visible presence there.

Continue reading

Prop 13, lower taxes and small government //

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Since it’s Valentine’s Day, I’ll make this short and sweet. . . .

Check out the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and support Prop 13 (for all of you California Residents). Founded in 1978, this organization is California’s largest taxpayer rights organization. Committed to opposing new taxes and defending Prop. 13. California is in for a rough 4 years, so it’s great to have an organization watching the bottom line, even if the Governor Brown and Sacramento aren’t.

If you’re all about lower taxes and smaller government, this is a group to check out. I follow them on facebook so I can see their updates, and you can find their twitter page here.  On their website you’ll find press releases, legislative updates and studies and reports. If you’re not in California, I’m sure there is a similar organization in your state that will provided you with pertinent tax related information. It’s great to stay informed and involved. It’s our money, our future and our bottom line, and we shouldn’t expect the government to ever look out for our interests.

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Most U.S. teens want to be virgins when they marry //

photo source: life123.com

Did you know that a recent survey says that most U.S. teens want to be virgins when they marry? It was news to me. I hadn’t realized that a large portion of teens were concerned with this.

My sister teaches Junior High math in a Southern California public school. Let’s just say she has a very interesting job working with today’s youth. Many teens seem to be lacking some basic moral character. It’s very sad, and honestly something that can really only be fixed in the home. Teaching children correct principles and values is the role of the parents, but unfortunately, many have quit that job and left their children to fend for themselves.

However, a recent study presents some marginally happy news. And considering how much trash kids today are exposed to, and how many of them have little to no parental supervision or guidance, LifeSiteNews.com posted an article about some positive findings from a poll conducted last year by

Drs. Rene Paulson and Jacquelyn Pennings under the auspices of the Christian youth research and outreach organization OneHope as part of their Spiritual State of the World’s Children study. . .recruited [teens] to take the online survey through a panelist company and through social networking websites.

The survey found that 61 percent of youth ages 13 to 18 would like to be virgins when they get married.

Additionally, 63 percent said that, presuming they had lost their virginity, they would change the past if possible and regain it.

I wonder how, if so many teens think that being a virgin when they get married is important, they certainly seem to act otherwise? I’m in complete agreement that the media and television play a huge role in this, in addition to absentee parents who fail to provide the essential moral teachings that these teens so desperately need.  The study addressed the loose morals found in a majority of television shows.

A press release from OneHope announcing the release of the study today said the results of the survey were “surprising” given the high teen exposure to sexually explicit media content such as the controversial MTV program “Skins.”

According to a report by the Parents Television Council, two-thirds (64 percent) of all TV shows contain “sexual content” – anything from flirting to intercourse.

Additional data about U.S. teens’ beliefs and values revealed in this survey include some troubling aspects of the influence of media on children, such as:

Continue reading

What I believe: self reliance is one of the greatest indicators of a person’s moral character //

I found this blog post because the brilliant writer Zoey linked to one of my posts. . . and now I want to link to hers. I think that many American’s are missing how important it is to be self-reliant, and how important this principle is to their happiness and wellbeing, in this life and in the next. It’s not about money, or making a lot of it, it’s about hard work and being industrious, being able to provide for and take care of yourself and your family, using your talents, helping to bless the lives of others, and having the freedom to exercise your agency. Thanks for this amazing post Zoey!

Hey, I’m Zoey and I blog over at Stand, where I join the ranks of the Digital Army as a marriage and family activist. Em’s “Something” is one of my daily favorites so I’m more than excited that she’s asked me to do a guest (re)post for her “I believe” series.

(Photo courtesy of a-penny-saved).
I’ve been thinking long and hard about the state of our nation and the notion that we can just spend ourselves to oblivion. It’s as if a wife said to her husband: “Don’t worry about our dire financial state! We’ll just spend our way out!” How does that make any sense, whatsoever? If there isn’t money to pay the bills you cut the fat and only spend on necessities. Obama and his cronies obviously have no interest in setting that standard. What, with the $252 billion for income-transfer payments, $600 mil for new fed cars, $1 bil for Amtrak (hasn’t turned a profit in 40 years), $400 mil for global warming research, $650 mil for TV conversions, $2 bil for child-care subsidies, and I could go on.

I adore my brilliant friend Journalista:

“I think we need to hold our government officials to the same financial standard that all responsible American citizens hold themselves to. Live within your means. Don’t spend money you don’t have, and prioritize how to best spend the money you do have, even if it’s just a little. That, my friends, is how to build a wealthy nation. All of the free social programs and hand outs in the world will not solve the problems in America if we don’t expect our citizens to buck up and quit relying on the government to take care of them”.

My dad has worked two full-time jobs since before I was born. He and my mother are the most honest, hard working people I know. I’m telling you- they are as honest as honest can be. My dad would have gotten a job at a mini-mart or McDonald’s to pay back any sort of debt if that’s what it took. If us kids didn’t have milk to drink or clothes to wear he would work the sweat of his brow (literally) to meet our needs. I can’t express my gratitude for what they taught me. I wish more Americans were taught the eternal principles of self-reliance and living within your means because I’ll tell you- we wouldn’t be in this sad state right now.

I am grateful to belong to a church that has long taught its members these principles. Here are my favorite quotes on the matter, given by some general authorities:

President Joseph F. Smith: “You must continue to bear in mind that the temporal and spiritual are blended. They are not separate. One cannot be carried on without the other, so long as we are here in mortality. … The Latter-day Saints believe not only in the gospel of spiritual salvation, but also in the gospel of temporal salvation… We do not feel that it is possible for men to be really good and faithful Christian people unless they can also be good, faithful, honest and industrious people. Therefore, we preach the gospel of industry, the gospel of economy, the gospel of sobriety.” (Gospel Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1939, p. 208; emphasis added.)

Marion G. Romney: “The most fundamental principles of temporal salvation include two concepts: providing for oneself—self reliance—and providing for one’s family—family reliance. The first principle, that of self-reliance, grows out of a fundamental doctrine of the Church—that of agency. The doctrine of agency is based on the truth that the basic essence of man is comprised of spirit matter, or intelligence, which by its very nature is independent ‘in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself. … Behold, here is the agencyof man.’ (See D&C 93:26–38; emphasis added.) As a result of this eternal condition, Elohim, in creating man and placing him on this earth, gave him his agency to act for himself. While this agency applies to all facets of life, with respect for temporal affairs the Lord makes this specific elaboration:

‘For it is expedient that I, the Lord, should make every man accountable, as a steward over earthly blessings, which I have made and prepared for my creatures.’

For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves.’ (D&C 104:13, 17; emphasis added.)

Thus, we understand that all is in place so that man can, if he so chooses, work out his salvation—both temporal and spiritual—and can achieve the benefits promised in this, his second estate. The self-reliance we speak of in the Church, then, grows out of eternal truths connected with the doctrines of intelligence and agency. Consequently, self-reliance, as taught by the prophets, becomes a fundamental truth in the gospel plan.”

Spencer W. Kimball: “The responsibility for each person’s social, emotional, spiritual, physical, or economic well-being rests first upon himself, second upon his family, and third upon the Church if he is a faithful member thereof. No true Latter-day Saint, while physically or emotionally able will voluntarily shift the burden of his own or his family’s well-being to someone else. So long as he can, under the inspiration of the Lord and with his own labors, he will supply himself and his family with the spiritual and temporal necessities of life”.

The freedom and joy that come from using our God given agency to care for our own personal necessities is nearly indescribable. We are not bound to another; we are honest in our dealings with our fellow men; we have security. Most importantly though, our spiritual salvation is dependent upon our temporal actions and through the Savior we can be free.

Thanks for reading! ~journalista

Visualizing Obama’s budget cuts. Student Explains Obamanomics in 1 Minute

Hi Everyone! I haven’t posted in a while, but this video is too good to pass up. This is the kind of crap info the government tries to feed us if we aren’t looking. All we have to do is stay informed and educate ourselves. The Progressives and Socialists that run our government are very transparent if we pay attention. Happy Viewing!! ~Journalista

The blogger and math genius who made this video has more info on his blog:

Political Math Political Information Visualization and Other  Math-y Things

Go check it out!!!!